Our Opinion

We believe the early and beginning years of public education has dframed to be what it is and changes that have made it better for the children and young adults today.  When schooling was first introduced, disrimination continued to take it's toll in the community and began in the public school system against immigrants and African Americans.  Regulations were made in The United States the year of 1865 allowing all children to attend school.-"The Americans" history textbook  Unlike the formation days those who choose to advance onto highschool it had been an option, today its a requirement to have further education.  Many students today recognize the importance of their highschool diplomas and college careers afterward. 

Not to mention those who live in the rural setting hadnt recieved free deliverly of their mail until 1896.  We may have still to this day have this responsibility to run to the post office to pick up our mail.  Catalog advirtising and shopping is a big part in our society in the 20th century. Along with many new online careers and the spontanious results in the tasks we do; Fed Ex and the digital camera.  Anywhere you look there are advertisements for matierals and new inventions on the internet and at public malls.  A well-known store was founded in 1865 recognized by the name of Marshall Fields brought the department store title to the United States, which has been manipulated. 

Timeline from 1865-1910

1865-1895- 12-16 weeks annually attendence by students was required.

1867- Grandfather clause was started.

1869- Cincinnati Red Stockings (baseball team) toured the country.

1870-1880- congress failed to overturn poll tax.

1874- America saw its 1st tennis match.

1876- National League formed.

1877- Reconstruction began.

1877- deadwood dick was published by:Eward wheeler.

1880- Harriman owned the 1st tennis set in America.

1880- More then 100,000 chinese immigrants lived in the US.

1880- There were 200 public kindergartners.

1880- 62% of white children attened elementery school and 34% of African americans.

1880- Ida B wells was the 1st African american women to become a teacher later some of her aquantences were lynched.

1880-1920-college enrollment quadrupeled.

1880-1890- lynching peaked and continued well into 20th century.

1882-1892- 1,400 African americans were shot, burned, or hung without trial.

1883- Joseph Pulitzer (A Major journalist) bought the New York World.

1884-roller coasters were invented and attrached daredeivl riders to amusement parks.

1885- "Safety Bikes" were developed.

1886- coca cola was made as a headache releaver.

1888-50,000 men & women had taken to biking.

1889- more the 2,000 people died in the "THE VALLEY OF DEATH" flood.

1890-1% of black teenagers attend Highschool.

1890- Baseball published game scheduel,offical rules and standardized diamound.

1895- Hearst (famous journalist) Bought New York Morning Journal.

1896- Plessy vs. Ferguson (case).

1898- The circulation of he New york World and the New york journal reached more then 1 million copys a day.

1900- There was one Art gallery  in every large city.

1900- free circulation libraries in america numbered in thousands.

1900- American league was formed.

1900- 1st hersey Chacolate bar was sold.

1900- Most Africans lived in the segregated south.

1900- New york Race riot happend.

1900- 3,000 kindergartners.

1900- more then 1/2 a million students attended highschool.

1900- 3,8880 out of 9 million went to college.

1902- National Reclamation act gave government assistence for irrigation projects.

1903- 1st World series was held in Boston (boston won).

1905- Niagara Movement founded.

1910- 3% of African american teenagers attended highschool.

1911- Supreme Court declared involuntary poenage a violation of the 13th amendment.




Cause and Effects

Leisure- With more leisure time, Americans went to larger citites in search for amusement parks which brought profits to those cities.

Newspaper- The production of the newspaper brought important news to the attention of the public in a fast, efficient way and increased literacy rates along the way.

Arts- Some artists began to portray life as it is really lived. There was soon at least one art gallery could be found in every large city.

Sports- Organized teams and rules led to the development of professional sports and athletes.

Immigrants/Blacks in Education- Immigrants and blacks could get better jobs with their education but were paid very poorly for their efforts.

Advertising- Early advertising was done on houses, barns, and even rocks. New advertising led to the development of the billboard. Advertising expenditures increased dramatically from $10 million in 1865 to $95 million in 1900.